Strategies to ENJOY, not just SURVIVE the HOLIDAYS

Want to know the #1 secret of the most successful?

It all comes down to how much is in your "Relationship Bank Account" ... Inside my "Network to Millions" playbook, you'll discover:

  • How to leverage your current relationships to get ahead in life and work
  • Exactly what I say and exactly what I do to close million-dollar deals
  • The relationship building rules I built my life and my businesses around


Cara has been called a “thoughtful and inspiring coach” and is an expert in leadership transformation and employee engagement. In addition to leadership coaching, she is known for creating and implementing world-class programs to develop, engage, and retain great talent in leading organizations such as Apple and Best Buy, to cutting-edge start-ups and family-owned businesses.
After escaping a toxic work environment to search for her health, she now uses her proprietary process, using findings from neuroscience, to help leaders create cultures where employees don't have to make the choice between their wellbeing and their work.


Gabrielle Bosché is a recognized expert on Purpose at Work. She has been called the "next generation of motivators" by Tom Ziglar and her work will "change your life" by Brian Tracy.  Gabrielle is a popular two time TEDx presenter, six-time Author, and co-CEO of The Purpose Company. She has spoken around the world including eight naval bases, Air Force basic training, SXSW, and the CIA. Gabrielle's work has been featured from SUCCESS and Fast Company to NPR, Glamour Magazine, Business Insider, and Los Angeles Times. Her approach to purpose and success is direct and approachable. It doesn't take itself too seriously. Much like Gabrielle.

© 2024 CARA LENZ